A trader under the pseudonym Jaredfromsubway.eth has launched a new MEV bot that implements more sophisticated arbitrage and sandwich attacks that have earned millions of dollars in ETH. Since August 14, Jared has deprecated the old contract address, and the new address uses the same public-private key pair as the original robot. Data from EigenPhi shows that the new contract address processed more than 85,000 transactions, generating approximately 765 ETH (close to $2 million). Jar...
化名为Jaredfromsubway.eth的交易员推出了一款新MEV机器人,实施了更复杂的套利和三明治攻击,已赚取数百万美元的ETH。自8月14日起,Jared已弃用旧合约地址,新地址使用与原机器人相同的公私钥对。EigenPhi的数据显示,新合约地址处理了超过85,000笔交易,生成约765 ETH(接近200万美元)。 Jar...
According to Cointelegraph, the MEV robot using the ENS domain name "jaredfromsubway.eth" spent 49 ETH transaction fees, worth about $171,000, on a single transaction tonight. Previously, it was reported on June 6 that the robot conducted high-frequency trading, especially for on-chain meme coin traders. From February 2023 to June 2024, the robot spent a total of 76,916 ETH, which is about $175 million based on the value of these transactions at the time of execution.
据Cointelegraph监测,使用ENS域名“jaredfromsubway.eth”的MEV机器人在今晚一单笔交易中花费了49枚ETH交易费,价值约17.1万美元。 此前6月6日消息,该机器人进行高频交易,特别是针对链上meme币交易者。从2023年2月到2024年6月,该机器人共花费了76,916枚ETH,按这些交易执行时的价值计算,约为1.75亿美元。
The MEV robot operator "jaredfromsubway.eth" spent more than 210 ETH ($810,000) in gas fees in the past day. This accounts for nearly 1.5% of Ethereum's daily gas fee, making it the highest gas payout. From February 2023 to June 2024, the bot spent a total of 76,916 ETH, which equates to about $175 million based on the value at the time of executing these transactions.
MEV机器人运营商“jaredfromsubway.eth”在过去一天花费了超过210枚ETH(810,000美元)的Gas费。 这占以太坊每日gas费用的近1.5%,使其成为gas支出最高的。从2023年2月到2024年6月,该机器人共计花费了76,916ETH,根据执行这些交易时的价值计算,相当于约1.75亿美元。